

Kahane and Savulescu (2009) The Welfarist Account of Disability

障碍の哲学の論文です。専門でやる予定はないのでとりあえずメモは雑です。細かい議論もちょっと飛ばしたし。全体の方向性としては面白いし、そうやなあとわかりみが深い。障碍でなく、差別論をがっつり扱ってる論文は、今後もうちょっとちゃんとメモとるかもしれないです。Sarah Fineの路線をもっとゴリゴリに強化するために。







A stable intrinsic property of subject S ·which (1) deviates from the normal functioning of the species to which S belongs (i.e. a disability SN) and (2) which tends to reduce S's level of well-being because members of the society to which S belongs are prejudiced against such deviation from the normal.




A stable physical or psychological property of subject S that leads to a reduction of S's level of well-being in circumstances C.




On our account, everyone suffers from disability w to some extent, in some respects.

The everyday concept, by contrast, is both a threshold and a degree concept.


This might contribute to resisting the way. being labelled 'disabled' becomes a stigma, placing people with disabilities in an undesirable category distinct from most other people. 33 On our account, everyone has disabilities of one kind or another.






But this means that whenever a condition X is a disability w, it would be true not only that

(A) If S didn't have X, her well-being would be higher

But also that

(B) If S was no longer in circumstances C, her well-being would be higher



The lesson is that our counterfactual condition needs to be qualified. We need to compare S's level of well-being; given condition X, with those nearby possible worlds in which she exists and circumstances C hold, and those nearby possible worlds in which it doesn't. We need to exclude far-fetched, improbable, and unrealistic possibilities.


Whereas it's true by definition that deafness is a disability a, it takes substantive work to show that_ deafness is a disability w.




最終的な定義(53, 35-42)

Disability W-DT

A stable physical or psychological property of subject S that tends to reduce S's level of well-being in circumstances C, when contrasted with a realistic alternative, excluding the effect that this condition has on well-being that is due to prejudice against S by members of S's society due to the deviation of this property from the normal functioning of the species to which S belongs



